Message 24/7. Get an immediate reply.

Your employees can chat with blankitbot in Slack, just like they would message any other co-worker. Best of all, they get an instant reply—24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s just like chatting to a friend.

"Do I have coverage for a root canal? Can I include my spouse on the plan?" blankitbot for Slack understands and responds to simple questions. There’s no need to learn shortcode or new commands.

Need more info? blankitbots can help with that, too.

If your employees need answers our bots can’t provide, blankitbot for Slack will send the website and contact details of your company’s health benefits provider. Meaning your employees can find the answers they need—without bugging you for the details.

Hey blankit...

With blankitbot for Slack, your team can ask questions about their coverage and get an immediate reply.

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